Thursday, November 12, 2009

Remove Followers on Twitter That Don't Follow Back

Do you like to follow people on Twitter? I do! I love to see what others are up to with their cyber snippets, but there are a lot of people that don't follow you back, so after a while when your "Following" heavily outweighs your "Followers" you can start to look like a bit of a cyber stalker. What can be done?

I found this neat little script over on which allows you to remove people from your friends list who don't follow you back.

Here's what the author says:
This script highlights the "remove" buttons for "friends" who don't follow you  back on your Twitter Friends pages. A new action button is added at the bottom  of the page. When you click this button, all marked friends will be removed.
The scrip marks only users who:

  • don't follow you (who don't return the love)
  • have their updates unprotected (you can always remove locked users manually if you want).
By default, no action is taken, so you have the chance to inspect which users will  be removed before clicking the Remove Marked (12) button.

To run the script you need to install Greasemonkey for Firefox, then install the script by clicking here. Once Greasemonkey takes to the script head over to and view your "Following" list, you will see Greasemonkey at the bottom right of Firefox, it looks like a little smiling monkey, right click on the monkey and choose "Twitter Remove Non-Followers". You won't able to see this unless you are viewing your friends list.

Now all people in your "Following" list who are not following you back will have the remove button highlighted green, simply click the remove button to stop following them, and when you are done hit the Remove Marked button at the bottom. No action is taking until you hit this button.

This is a very handy little script, great for tidying up your Twitter workspace!

All credit goes to Johannes la Poutre over at

Have you used this on Twitter? Let me know what your friend clutter is like with a comment below!


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